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Saturday, November 18, 2017

Supernatural season 13 episode 6 Tombstone

First, the obligatory ***SPOILER WARNING: This is all about the TV show Supernatural season 13 episode 6.  If you haven't watched it yet, then why are you here?  :P  Proceed at your own risk.  You have been warned.  ;)  Also. disclaimer.

And since I am starting at episode 6 right now, just a few comments (or a lot?) on the season so far...

  • I love Jack.  :D  I would like to think he is good, mainly because I want Castiel to be right.  It would be depressing if the last thing Castiel defied Dean for (or something like that) turns out to be wrong.  
  • The angel blade did not kill Jack.  The last nephilim was killed by an angel blade.  I expect this is because Jack is half archangel, not just half angel?  Could he be killed with an archangel blade then?  If so, then... I'll get back to this in another post.  ;)  
  • There's a new sheriff in hell town - Asmodeus.  I miss Crowley.  :(  And what were those things he was trying to free?  The Shedim?  Did they all go back in when Jack stopped opening the gate?  Are we sure there's not one roaming free on Earth?  Free or not, the Shedim will surely come back to the story in future episodes. 
  • Meanwhile, in the other Earth, I understand that Lucifer isn't killing Mary because he plans to exchange her for his son.  But why does Michael spare Lucifer?  What does he need him for?
  • I'm excited for the spin-off, Wayward Sisters.  :D  Jodi!  Claire!  Alex!  :D  And we just met Patience.  :)  At the end of episode 3, Patience's father is still alive.  I wonder if something will happen to him before the backdoor pilot...  
  • The Big Empty.  Hahahahahahahahaha.  xD  Misha has played so many... versions of Cas in Supernatural that I think he's running out of voices to make each different from one another.  'What is that accent?', people asked.  Lol!  In any case,...  
  • All angels and demons go to The Big Empty when they die, they said.  So that means Crowley's in there... :P  All the angels Cas killed are also in there.  :\  Gabriel's in there!  :D  I somehow have a feeling we're not finished with The Big Empty yet.  Could Jack possibly wake any other angel (or demon) who's died and are in there?  If so, that friendly neighborhood cosmic entity will not be happy at all.  >.> 
  • I miss the old Death.  :(  But I like Billie so I find it interesting that she became Death.  :)  Also, I have a feeling that when she said none of those notebooks said Dean died that day... she might have been lying.  :P  
And finally, episode 6...  :)

  • When this episode started on such a happy note, I was afraid we will end up in tears by the end. 
  • Jack was so happy.  xD  Zombies, lol!  
  • Dean was so happy.  xD  He got his win.  :)  Plus cowboys.  :P  Haha. 
  • On a side note, I wonder what people think of Castiel's new trench coat.  :)  I still want to go back to that laundromat and get the old outfit back.  Nothing beats the original.  :P  I eventually got used to the second one, so I guess I will get used to this third one as well.  When it first came out in episode 3, I thought it was the old one, though it looked a bit darker in color.  But I see now that this is different from the original.  It's more like a hybrid of the first two.  
    • I guess that makes sense.  When I thought it was the old trench, I hoped that that means Cas is back to full power, that maybe he was reset when the cosmic entity kicked him out from The Empty.  But when he called Dean to pick him up instead of teleporting, it was apparent his wings are still damaged.  
  • I feel bad for the guard.  :(  Question: why wasn't Cas able to heal him?  Maybe it was too late?  The impact was too great that his brain was turned to mush?  Was it just because the guard hit his head on a concrete post, as opposed to wooden walls or vending machines?  Or was there something else about Jack's power that was beyond Cas's healing power?  Maybe just the former...  
  • Just remembering that Billie said one of the versions of Dean's death is being killed by a ghoul in a graveyard... though that was stabbed, and this isn't exactly in the graveyard...    
  • Jack.  :(  Yep, was right.  Ending up in tears by the end.  :'( 
  • I can understand (a little) what Jack is saying - that he's afraid he will hurt them if he stays.  But where is he planning to go?  And how will his angel watch over him if he leaves?  
  • And by the way, Jack has wings?  Wait, what?  That was definitely the sound of wings... 
  • I love that, in this season so far, all the episodes which feature a monster of the week, also moved the story arc forward.  So... so far, we can say that there hasn't been a completely filler episode yet.  :)  

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